So now I have a dilemma. As the coach I am trying to teach the girls the fundamentals of the game but when the competition is not up to our level it is hard to do so. I prefer to play my four players with three of them as forwards and one as a defender. When we score four unanswered goals in the first ten minutes I pull one of the forwards back and play with two defenders and two forwards. It gives the other team more of a chance usually. However, it means my girls will not have the opportunity to pass on the attack since there are only two of them involved. It's harder to stay with the attack and be ready for a pass when there are three forwards because the pass could go to you or the other forward - you have to stay in the attack even if you don't get the ball. Anyway, I'm beginning to think I need to play my team for their benefit instead of the opponent's. We're at the top of the age bracket which means that next fall we'll be at the bottom again and it will all be dependant on the skills we learn now.
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