I've been checking out some of the blogs of note to try and figure out what differentiates a good blog from a not so good blog, or a blah. No doubt it's in the eye of the beholder. This beholder, or this beholder's eye, likes the blogs that have a unifying theme, a reason d'etre.
So, what is my blog's reason for being? I haven't decided yet. I haven't been at it long either so a little grace should be in order. I'm not too thrilled with the public diary theme but recognize how easy it is to slip into that mode. I do like the keeping in touch with friends and family aspect which makes it seem more of a perpetual Christmas letter. Perhaps I should go with the title, life in Boise, bits of my life in Boise, bits of Boise lifestyle....
Hi Jont,
I think I'm slipping into the diary mode and if that's the case then I'm ok with it. I'm hoping for a fun, hunours blog (or blah) that tells of our adventures and hopefuly provides some Jeep information. Letting others know about the Jeeping lifestyle in the hopes they might join in....
I also enjoy messing with html code and writing. so I guess its all about me either way!!!! I'm ok with that as well....
Hi Jont,
I think I'm slipping into the diary mode and if that's the case then I'm ok with it. I'm hoping for a fun, humorous blog (or blah) that tells of our adventures and hopefully provides some Jeep information. Letting others know about the Jeeping lifestyle in the hopes they might join in....
I also enjoy messing with HTML code and writing. so I guess its all about me either way!!!! I'm ok with that as well....
I share your ponderings! Trying to find the right themes to pursue and interesting reading.
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