Unfortunately we had to cut down the old apple tree in our backyard. It had rotted through on one half, the side facing the house not more than 10 feet away. I enlisted my father in law and his chainsaw to help. It was quick going with only one near miss when a major limb took a dive into the basement window well, somehow missing the window in the process. Now all that remains is a stump, and that only until I dissolve it in place.

We'll replace the tree but there is a little sadness in the passing of the old apple tree. Perhaps I have read "The Giviing Tree" once too many times.
I'm getting ready (thinking about it) to remove one of those huge oak trees in my driveway. It should be a blog-worthy event to say the least. If I do it correctly I should have firewood for years to come and if not then I'll be building a new home to replace the crushed one..good post Jont, love ya Bro!
Always nice to have another male around when attacking those big jobs like taking out a tree! Hope it was/is a good visit!
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