It's not a long hike nor too steep but it gives you time to contemplate the events almost 2000 years ago. We talk with the kids as we walk - about school, friends, hopes, dreams, and occasionally God. I enjoy these hikes even though the kids get tired legs three quarters of the trip up and start complaining.
I want the kids to connect the beauty of creation with God and Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Through annual repetition I am trying to create a psychological link in their minds that when they are out enjoying the world they will remember that God loves them and sent his son to die for them. I don't know if it's working but we enjoy the hike anyway and that's worth something. And when else can you take your dogs to church?
This year the public television station was filming a bald eagle soaring in the clear blue skies at the top of Table Rock. The bird was trained and the it's trainer would release it and it would return to perch on his outstretched hand. I am always amazed at how huge bald eagles are when I see them up close like that. In keeping with the season it did remind me of the verse 'those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings as eagles' - Isaiah 30:41
* the picture was taken from the top of Table Rock last summer - it's wasn't that warm yesterday!
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