I read Sonia Worthy's blog of note reading people yesterday. I had never thought that the digital revolution was making us into an unliterary nation. Interesting idea and her blog is great. I also heard of research recently that noted "parents who want their children to read fiction books frequently should have a lot of books at home and at most one television".*
Winter is a great season for reading. The days are short and the weather foreboding. What better setting for reading a book in front of the fire? March is good too. The days are getting longer anticipating spring. The sun is rising over my shoulder on my commute these mornings and sets after I m home. Makes one want to be outside but the weather is unpredictable - yesterday it rained, hailed and the sun shown brightly enough for sunglasses, all within the span of a few hours! I love sitting on the porch reading while the rain falls. Or sitting outside the coffee shop enjoying the vitamin d rejuvenation of the sun while reading.
So what are we reading? Check out the picture and see - and yes we read promiscuously: indiscriminately and diversely in regard to quality and quantity.
*van Ours, Jan C., "Children Reading Fiction Books Because They Want To" (January 2006). CEPR Discussion Paper No. 5472 Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=901231
Hi! I enjoy your blog and will visit it again. Come see mine, too. I was happy to discover Sonia's reading blog this week. I live in San Diego. Some people think the weather here is boring, but it is nice to have spring start so early.
Happy life in Boise! (How do you pronounce it? Boy-zee?)
Good post! I hope to post in the next day or so, say hi to the wife and kids for us!
Thanks! I love this picture of all the hands and the books.
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